D1 Blog

Alexandria and Alondra Quinonez – D1 Tampa Character Athlete of The Month

May 15, 2013 –

Alexandria and Alondra Quinonez-April '13_Fearless-TAMPA-1

For the month of April there are two character athletes: Alexandria and Alondra Quinonez. The Quinonez sisters started training at D1 at the beginning of September of 2012. Alexandria is 13 years old and in the Developmental group and Alondra is 9 in the Rookie group. Both girls have shown a tremendous amount of dedication, effort and desire to enhance their athleticism. It is very fitting that “Fearless” is April’s word of the month as the Quinonez girls have definitely demonstrated a great fearlessness over the course of their participation here at D1. Not only do the girls participate in a minimum of 4 classes per week in their respective age groups but they have often worked alongside the Prep class throughout the field work portion of the class. Although the Prep class is more advanced both in age and athletic experience, the Quinonez girls have fearlessly taken up the challenge to a race against the prep participants and have proven successful. They never miss an opportunity to improve their craft and never shy away from an athletic challenge. In everything they do, the Quinonez sisters always put forth 100%. Way to work Alexandria and Alondra Quinonez!

Category: FL - Tampa