D1 Blog

Richard Inhoffer – D1 Colorado Springs PT patient

January 15, 2013 – Richard’s story is one of our fondest here at the D1 Colorado Springs therapy office. He came to us in February of 2012 as a 72-year old hockey player eager but unsure whether he’d ever get back onto the ice.  He’d had one total hip arthroplasty already and was facing the other in the coming months. “I thought for awhile I was finished. I never thought I’d be able to play again, especially not at my age.” states Richard.

Richard Inhoffer_D1 Front Range_CO

We first treated Richard for post-operative rehabilitation after his right total hip arthroplasty. For the next five months we helped him through that recovery as well as both pre-operative and post-operative rehab for his left hip surgery. Of the cumulative experience Richard commented, “I didn’t realize at the time how important pre-hab was. I became a believer when my surgeon told me afterwards how much easier it had made his job. I think other people going through the same thing should know that.” By the time we were through with him, he had two new hips, and was ready to tackle his most precious goal. In the end of July he got his surgeon’s permission to return to the ice.

Richard is a native of the east coast and still has family back in Pennsylvania, including a grandson who’s about to turn one. The family already has the little guy swinging a hockey stick. Richard plays here in Colorado Springs recreationally, with a group of seniors who call themselves Team Geezer. When he showed up for this interview he had just gotten off the ice. He’s now playing hockey four times a week. “I’ve got no pain, and I’m flying around out there. I took a wicked fall today right onto the hip, and it was nothing. I can play golf now too, and I don’t have to quit after three holes.”

He travelled a full circle to success, and we dare not take all the credit for this. Richard’s attitude was of a special breed. We believe Richard’s deep devotion to his passion, stellar fitness, and patient spirit are worthy of more than just acknowledgement from us. He should stand out as a shining bit of inspiration to anyone else who has met with a daunting physical obstacle. He’s got much wisdom to impart about how you only get what you deserve once you’ve put a lot of your heart, gut, and hope into it. We are so happy to have shared in his journey back to the ice. Have fun tearing it up out there Richard.

“D1 has been a major factor in my return to the sport I love.”  -Richard Inhoffer, January 2013


Category: CO - Colorado Springs Sports Medicine Therapy